Misconceptions about blood donation - APPSGlobal BloodLine


APPSGlobal BloodLine

The APPSGlobal BloodLine is part of APPS Global network, which is an independent, educational and not for profit organization with no political motives. BloodLine is a project with purpose to serve humanity and arrange blood donors anywhere needed.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Misconceptions about blood donation

Few Misconceptions:

Misconception #1: 

Can I still give if I take medication?

Most drugs won't prevent you from giving blood, although they could require you to wait a while after your last dose.

Blood donation is often acceptable as long as your condition is under control, and you are in good health.

Herbal medicines, dietary supplements, and oral homeopathic medications are all suitable over-the-counter options.

There are a number of pharmaceuticals that are of specific signifcance in blood donation, so be sure to disclose this information during your health check.

Misconception #2: 

My cholesterol and blood pressure are above normal. And I have low iron levels. Will giving blood worsen my symptoms? Will my iron levels affect how much I donate?

As long as your blood pressure is below 180 systolic and 100 diastolic at the time of donation, high blood pressure during blood donation is allowed.

You are still eligible to donate even if you take blood pressure medication.

If you previously couldn't give because of low iron, you might be able to in the future.

It is advised to take action to help raise your iron level.

Misconception #3: 

Is it impossible for me to donate if I have visited another nation?

If you have visited or resided in a country with a high risk of malaria within the previous three years, you may be prohibited from donating blood or platelets.

Also, those who have lived for an extended amount of time in nations where "mad cow disease" is present are unable to donate. Concerns concerning the variation Creutzfeld-Jakob disease are related to this requirement (vCJD)

Source:  The Red Cross


Misconception #4.

What are the truths regarding tattoos and blood donation? 

How long do I have to wait after having a tattoo before I can donate blood?

As long as the tattoo was applied by a state-regulated body using sterile needles and never-used ink, you can be qualified to donate blood right after getting inked.

Misconception No. 5: 

I've heard that giving blood might be uncomfortable. Is this a fact?

During their blood donation, some persons could feel varying degrees of discomfort.

During your donation visit, trained staff typically makes sure you're as comfortable as possible.

When you donate blood, you give more life—and that outlasts any temporary pain during your donation.

Therefore, just try to keep your mind on all of the benefits that your donation will provide to save lives!

(Reference: Red Cross)

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